

    优秀寄宿制学校: Phillips Andover Academy (马萨诸塞州), Phillips Exeter Academy (新罕布什尔州), Milton Academy (马萨诸塞州), Groton School马萨诸塞州), The Lawrenceville School (新泽西州), St. Paul's School (新罕布什尔州), The Webb Schools (加州), St. Andrews School (德拉华州), The Hotchkiss School (康涅狄格州), Deerfield Academy (马萨诸塞州), Tabor Academy (马萨诸塞州) and Choate Rosemary Hall (康涅狄格州), etc.;

    优秀(私立)非寄宿学校: Collegiate School (纽约州), Brearley School (纽约州), Chapin School (纽约州), Trinity School (纽约州), Delbarton School (新泽西州), Hunter College High School (纽约州), Kent Place School (新泽西州), University of Chicago Lab Schools (伊利诺伊州), Polytechnic School (加州), College Preparatory School (加州) and Saint Ann's School (纽约州),Rivers School(马萨诸塞州) and San Francisco University High School (加州), etc.;

    其他良好的寄宿制和非寄宿高中: Peddle School (新泽西州), The Hun School of Princeton (新泽西州), Blair Academy (新泽西州), The Pennington School (新泽西州),Dwight-Englewood School (新泽西州), Saddle River Day School (新泽西州),Emma Willard School (纽约州), Darrow School (纽约州), The Kildonan School (纽约州), Shattuck-St. Mary’s School (明尼苏达州), Saint John’s Preparatory School (明尼苏达州) and Cotton Schools (明尼苏达州), etc.


    优秀寄宿制学校: The Thacher School (加州),The Webb Schools (加州),Choate Rosemary Hall (加州),Cate School (加州),The Athenian School (加州),Stevenson School (加州),Santa Catalina School (加州),Villanova Preparatory School (加州),Montclair College Preparatory School (加州),Dunn School (加州),Woodside Priory School (加州),Cascade School (加州),San Domenico School (加州) etc.;
    优秀大学: Stanford University (斯坦福大学),CIT 加州理工学院,UC Berkeley (加州大学伯克利分校),UCLA (加州大学洛杉矶分校),USC(南加州大学),UC San Diego (加州大学圣地亚哥分校),UC Davis (加州大学戴维斯分校),UC Santa Barbara (加州大学圣巴巴拉分校),UC Irvine (加州大学欧文分校),Pepperdine University (佩帕代因大学),UC Riverside (加州大学河滨分校),UC Santa Cruz (加州大学圣克鲁兹分校),University of San Diego(圣地亚哥大学),University of the Pacific (太平洋大学),University of San Francisco (旧金山大学),etc;


    优秀私立高中: Academy For Ideal Education,Archbishop Carroll High School,Center For Life Enrichment,City Lights,Devereux Children’s Center,Dupont Park Adventist School,Emerson Preparatory School,Gonzaga College High School,High Road School Of Wash Dc,Holy Redeemer Catholic School,Ideal Alternative School,Kendall Demonstration Elementa,Maret School,Model Secondary School,National Cathedral School,The Field School,Universal Ballet Academy,Washington International School. etc;
    优秀大学:George Washington University (GW), Georgetown University (GU), American University (AU), The Catholic University of America (CUA), Howard University, Gallaudet University, etc

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